On December 1st, Brian Berman, President of the Nova Institute for Health and Founding Director of the Center for Integrative Medicine, University of Maryland School of Medicine, presented “Integrated whole-systems approaches at all scales: for health, healing, and flourishing.” The conference opening video is worth two minutes of your time.
The Nova Institute’s Goal is: The ultimate aim of planetary health is flourishing along every level of the person, place, and planet continuum. In an era of so many interconnected challenges, there could not be a more important time for ambitious, integrative approaches.” Dr. Berman is quoted: “In challenging times there are also great opportunities to reach beyond boundaries and fundamentally shift how we think about well-being at all scales.”
At SixSEED Partners, our mission is to provide integrated solutions to heal healthcare. Supporting and implementing the tools from the IDG are critical to our mission for sustainable change.
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