Thanks to the American Hospital Association for producing this video honoring healthcare workers: “America’s Healthcare Workers are Worth Fighting For.” Especially during National Hospital Week, SixSEED Partners wants to honor everyone who works in healthcare for their dedication and commitment to serve. Your dedication is evident in this heart-wrenching, yet common story from a Healthcare Leader:
“I don’t think I slept for the entire year of 2020. When Covid hit, my role required me to serve in our hospital’s command center. With a newborn at home, I would sleep by myself in the basement to avoid the risk of exposing the rest of my family to Covid, should I happen to be infected and not know it. To allow my partner to get their rest, I would sleep 2-3 hours and then get up to feed the baby before heading back to the command center.”
As I witnessed this leader summon the courage to allow himself to cry, I was also moved to tears, knowing this was just one story of many that were just like this. As this leader told his story, it was told with humility and a work ethic of loyalty and servant leadership. And the tears were the culmination of two years of “just doing his job.”
This year saw hospitals have to do something they’ve never had to do before: ration healthcare. During National Hospital Week, take a moment to thank your healthcare and hospital workers. More than thanks, commit to taking action to keep yourself healthy to avoid preventable diseases so that we ALL have access to quality healthcare.
Learn more about National Hosptial Week at