Celebrating the work of Bob Rosen and The Healthy Leader®
Joy W. Goldman RN, MS PCC: CEO SixSEED Partners
One of our Six SEEDS includes a focus on Well-Being and our passion has only increased given the numerous traumas healthcare leaders and their teams have been exposed to during the pandemic. It is our firm belief that healthcare delivery can’t be at its best if those working within it are unhealthy. Therefore, it seemed perfect that we would affiliate with The Healthy Leader® in facilitating their Grounded and Conscious Healthy Leader Content. Since we’ve been focusing on building resilience, we wanted to showcase the great work that Bob Rosen, Rick Auman, and the team have been doing and the impact it makes in creating healthy leaders.
The Grounded Leader Model: Recently, we commented on a posting on Linked In that referenced a Center for Creative Leadership Article on Eight Steps to Become More Resilient.(provide link). In our work with The Healthy Leader,® we focus on evidence-based research that links the six dimensions of the Grounded Leader to business performance results. You’ll note in the above graphic that the six dimensions of the Grounded Leader model include:
- Physical Health: How you live
- Emotional Health: How you feel
- Intellectual Health: How you think
- Social Health: How you interact
- Vocational Health: How you perform
- Spiritual Health: How you view the world
As we reflect on resilience, we can easily discern that it is the interplay of all six of these dimensions that prepares us for resilience, adaptation and thriving. Resilience is a root within the emotional dimension yet it is our assertion that one cannot be resilient without growing the other five dimensions as well.
The model also links the six dimensions to the major disruptors of our current world. For example, the more we attend to the dimension of physical health and energy management, the better able we are to effectively deal with the unrelenting speed of life. Technology was a gift during Covid 19 isolation yet we would argue that it was an inadequate substitute without the addition of social health and nourishing communities.
All of these resonated with the participants from a Fortune 500 Technology firm for whom we are delivering this content. Through small group interactions and accountability partners; the support of an online portal with videos and reflection/ journaling exercises, and integration of their organization’s leadership imperatives, the participants are living and learning new habits to support their resilience and that of their teams.
To those who might think this content is “soft,” The Healthy Leader® has partnered in conducting research on the impact of healthy leaders to business results. Ross and Squires published a 2015 article entitled “Tone at the Top: Leadership as the Foundation of Organizational Health and Wellness” in which they describe the impact of leaders who score high in these six dimensions to job performance. Below you can see two of the charts included in the article. Of note is the significance of spiritual health to performance. When’s the last time you discussed spiritual health with your employees?
Let’s hear from you
If you’d like to chat more about The Grounded and Conscious Leader Program, and about a methodical and systemic approach that supports the individual and systemic change and resilience, we’d love to hear from you. Please message us on our LinkedIn page or send us an email here.
#culture, #systemintegration, #wellbeing
Acknowledgment: The Healthy Leader
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